Sunday, May 9, 2010

Generational Rant

So I'm reading the NYT and come across a book review, and it talks about Gen X and its midlife crisis. It discusses the irony of a generation having a midlife crisis when it hasn't yet accomplished anything. I would agree - those of us in this group are stuck between the Baby Boomers who control everything - it's all about them and they won't let the rest of us forget about it. Get off the freakin stage already! If you're gonna bankrupt the nation with your neverending quest for youth and vitality - do it now and get it over with - don't draw it out - get those replacement knees and hips so that you can power walk into your golden geriatric years - like the Grinch, don't leave a crumb for the generation behind you - make them work for it they way you had to - though as children of the Greatest Generation, I would argue that they didn't work for it, it was given to them because their parents wanted a better life for their children - I'm not so sure the Baby Boomers wish that to their children or they would have acted more selflessly.

Is Gen X a bunch of whiners and dreamers lost in the what-ifs of our decisions - absolutely. But is it a frustration born in being the generation that no one will remember? or is it a reflection of the narcissism of our parents that they helped foster - only the history books will know. In the meantime, I'll keep counting the days for the Baby Boomers to give up their seats at the table and make room for the Gen Xers - like Prince Charles, we'll keep wishing you good health but will we be sad when you're gone?

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