Thursday, October 7, 2010

Woo Wee time flies

Wow - I haven't posted in six weeks - bad, bad me! September is a busy month of events for my family - not that we spend any of them together given geographical barriers but on the 1st my parents celebrate their wedding anniversary - 59 years - well, back up into August and it was my grandmother's birthday - a book unto herself - miss her, - oh, and August was also my godmother's birthday - two books for her - she was awesome! So, moving forward - the 14th is my birthday, my cousin's birthday (he's my parents' godson as well) and my godparents' anniversary. We move to the 28th, my Dad's birthday - turned a hale and hearty 83, and Oct. 5 is my brother's birthday - 50! Yeesh - so needless to say, we keep Hallmark very, very busy this month.

What's the point of all that background? I find myself intrigued by the intersections that happen on dates - is it coincidence that my godparents' wedding anniversary is on the same day as my birthday? My godmother passed away on the anniversary of the day my parents' brought me home after adopting me - coincidence? My grandmother passed away on my mother's birthday - coincidence? I'm fascinated by the possibility that every event is part of a grand plan - that our beginnings and ends are woven together for eternity with those closest to us. Others would say, there are only so many days in the year so of course there's going to be overlap. I'm not so sure.

I'm reading Carl Sagan - fascinating man - he made astronomy and science popular by popping up on the Johnny Carson show on a somewhat regular basis - and in this series of speeches he gave in Great Britain, he discusses how special and unspecial our planet is - and how with a variance of .0001 percent in some instances our world would not have been able to support life. He discusses the vastness of space and the 14,000 million other galaxies that are out there which may or may not be like us. It's just fascinating to gain a better perspective on how small we are and yet how important we as a species think we are.

So what's the purpose of today's ramblings - the world and our lives are random, small, and in the grand scheme of the universe, quite mundane but to each of us and our interconnectedness - we thrive and celebrate each day for its unique possibilities.

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