Wednesday, May 18, 2011

little things

So I walk to the Brookland Metro stop - an eight minute trek morning and evening. Over the past six months I'd say, I pass an older woman on her way to work. She's very attractive but didn't wear makeup and kept her gaze down, averting my eyes. She seemed kindly - about two months ago, she and I crossed paths and she and I looked at each other and I said "good morning", she smiled a beautiful smile and said "good morning" back. Since that point, for whatever reasons in her life, I noticed that every time we encounter each other, she is wearing a little more makeup, usually a beautiful shade of lipstick, dressing with a bit more flair, and more confident in her composure.

Now I know that I am taking way too much credit for my morning friend's blossoming, I do think that there is a power in acknowledging others in simple ways. I believe there are times when we all need someone to recognize us with something as simple as a hello. I feel so good when we cross paths and we both smile at each other and say "good morning."

The biggest of change happens with the smallest of gestures.

1 comment:

  1. I think about this every time I meet a waiter or barista.
