Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Love in literature

Over the last month I have read the Vampire series by Stephanie Meyer. I never expected to read them, I especially didn't anticipate being drawn into a plotline and characters as fully as I have been. While the plot is over the top - werewolves and vampires all in one small sleepy town, what I did find were amazing complicated relationships - Bella and Edward, Bella and Jacob, Carlisle and Esme, etc. The overarching theme about relationships that I am seeing is that they are complicated, each person brings their own special skills to them, patience and understanding is necessary, someone is always going to be disappointed and you can hurt the ones you love. Pretty heady stuff for tweenage girls to relate to. The vampires are cursed with beauty and eternal life and yet still gather as families - the werewolves do the same with their impressions of one true soulmate. The books also show the importance of belonging and how everyone belongs somewhere - everyone has a home regardless of how unique or freakish one may feel.

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