Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What we have become

I'm really angry and worried about what our nation is becoming. The recent frenzy of craziness regarding the 14th Amendment and the mosque in NYC has brought out the absolute worst examples of "leadership" and public citizenry that I can recall. Do we really as a nation believe that we are not a nation of immigrants and religious tolerance? Do we really believe that our Founding Fathers would have had such issues with a religious center? I cannot believe that elected officials and political pundits will use the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to their own benefits in whatever way it suits them. They will justify homophobia, control a woman's right to choose what to do with her own body, the sanctity of marriage, the right to bear assault arms to "hunt".....what won't they do?

If I remember correctly, the United States was founded as a new experiment ensuring life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness - that all men are created equal with certain inalienable rights - to its citizenry. That's what has made us strong and unique. But democracy is an experiment and 1,000 years from now, as we look back and study the empires of Rome and Greece today, will history books look as this small blip of 200 and some odd years of the United States with amazement at its rise and fall or as the spark that brought forth and spread the light of freedom of expression, religion, and the rights of the individual. I can say today that I am afraid of the answer.

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